Sunday, 4 May 2008

still going down

i was out all day yesterday. by the time i got back it was late and i was too tired. also i had so much in my head i couldve spent the night writing. but i couldnt organise my thoughts to make anything coherent anyway. this is turning into a ramble as it is.

thanks again to param for being there for me yesterday. i wish i couldve been better company but i really was struggling.

supposed to be going out today but i have no idea if its still happening.

last night instead of driving home i went to swan pool in sandwell valley. sat in the dark looking at the water and wondered what drowning was like.

sorry this post is a bit of a mess. in a bit of a state right now.

1 comment:

jennifer said...

I'm so sorry you're going through hard times right now. I know what you're going through 'cuz I'm going through it now too. I'm very thankful you only thought about what drowning was like and didn't try it. I tried to drown myself a few times when I was a teenager. Whatever is wrong in your life, it isn't worth ending your life.