Thursday, 15 May 2008


it had to happen. and i cant even bring myself to write how im feeling. youve read it all here before anyway. its impossible to explain how utterly alone i feel. doesnt matter how brilliant my friends have been. rational thinking has no place here when this gets a grip on me. god im so pathetic. pathetic . pathetic. pathetic. i dont even deserve happiness. nothing prepares you for how physically painful this is. this is turning into gibberish. stop now.

1 comment:

Phil Saunders said...


what you have to bear in mind, and it took some time for me to realise this, is that you can't be "up" all of the time. At some point your mind and body is occassionally going to crash. However what you can do is build on the previous two days of when you were up and focus on those rather than when you are down.

Does that make sense?

What are your plans for today?