Saturday, 3 May 2008

The Rethink Result

I've had my rethink. I have to apologise in advance to anyone who may get upset or offended by it, but I need this blog too badly. I won't be censoring my thoughts here. Expect more of the same. Sorry.


jennifer said...

Don't care what anyone thinks. Don't ever censor yourself on here. Say what you need to say. Get it out. It helps to write about our problems. The hell with anyone who complains about it.

Chris Thomas said...

I totally agree.

As I think I've said before, writing stuff down helps me to clear my thoughts and obtain a bit of clarity and perspective. When your conciousness is swimming with too many thoughts, you can't concentrate on any of them. For me, writing stuff down acts like a temporary memory store, I can allow myself to forget about a few things because the paper is remembering them for me, then I can concentrate on other thoughts.

This is your blog. If people are upset by it, then they can stop reading. You have to look after yourself first. Worry about other people later.