Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Still Awake

I need sleep. This is getting ridiculous. I'm getting nothing but an hour or so at a time. Night time is a living hell for me. I know I'm not saying anything new. I know this is another self pitying whine. But I simply don't know what else to do. Maybe this will help, maybe it won't. At least I'm trying.

1 comment:

Chris Thomas said...

Worrying about not getting any sleep will keep you awake, meaning you'll worry about it next time, and you'll be in a vicious circle... etc.

When I used to work in the newsagents on a Sunday, I'd have trouble sleeping on the saturday night. Not sure what caused it, but i think it was because I knew I had to be up early. Even though I'd set three alarms to get me up on time, I think I was just worried that I'd miss them, so I'd be 'on guard' and therefore not manage to sleep very deeply, and be constantly waking in the night and checking the alarm clock to see how much time I had left to sleep. I would have no trouble sleeping on the Friday or Sunday nights, but that's because I didn't worry about missing the alarm.

I think the best thing to do is to EXPECT to not get any sleep, and don't worry about still being awake. Find a book that you can read, and take it to bed with you. If you find yourself agonising over no sleep, then turn the light on and read one chapter. Then, turn the light off, and mentally process the chapter you've just read. Think about how you might do things differently to the characters in the book, or what would you have done to help them if you were there.