Tuesday, 8 April 2008


Sure enough I can't read the last two posts without cringing in embarrassment. Not going to edit them though. Feeling much calmer and in control now. Only problem is I'm completely at a loose end. This morning I've watched Top Gear and played guitar. Need to find something to keep me occupied.


Unknown said...

Have you looked at different courses, etc on offer at colleges and the like? There's a lot of distance learning classes and courses available now as well.

What about taking up a form of exercise or particular hobby?

Chris Thomas said...

Do some baking!

You can EAT the results! It's brilliant! :)

Anna said...

i wish i could write things down an export whats in my brain. this took me an hour just to write down to let u know that im there.
x Anna

Unknown said...

Written any songs?

Might be a good way of dealing with this experience.

Stef said...

Hey good point, most of the best albums were written by people with issues. Fact!

I can kinda see why this might be helping though; by recording what you feel when you feel it and both sharing it and reflecting back on it later you're helping to see it from a different point of view. Which of course you can't when you're feeling it...