Tuesday, 15 April 2008

And Back Again

Can't honestly say that the last couple of days of peace and quiet in the country has helped a great deal. My main achievement seems to have been to worry my mother just before she takes off on her latest cruise.

Driving home today though, mp3s on random play in the car, trying hard not to think of anything. Suddenly I was listening to Van Halen's Jump and for 3.5 mins I almost felt like my old self again.


Chris Thomas said...

Don't underestimate the power of music to make yourself feel better. Gord will attest to the fact that I listened to the Polyphonic Spree in the car for pretty much six months solid when I was made redundant. I think it helped to keep my mood-head above water, rather than letting me sink deeper into introspection and worry over self worth etc.

Stef said...

I hope you were playing air keyboard while listening to Jump!