Thursday, 12 June 2008

Bearable Today

Today is proving bearable. Been to the tip dumped some rubbish. Stopped at the shops on the way back. Bought myself a pile of wine gums, jelly babies, and marshmellows. And then realised that, for the first time in ages, I'd actually spent some money on myself.

I also have music back, for today at least. In the car I had a Porcupine Tree CD on and when the track Fadeaway came on the hairs on my arms stood on end and a thrill ran down my spine.

Feeling a little at a loose end right now. Maybe a nap is in order, maybe munch some marshmellows instead. We shall see.

There is also a very blackly humourous story I could relate about my trip to the shops. I've been sniggering like an idiot to myself about it ever since. But I'll keep it to myself thank you very much.

1 comment:

Chris Thomas said...

Little victories, Godber. Little victories.