Sunday, 15 June 2008


ive been holding it off but i think its time i finally lie down and weep for a time.

1 comment:

Chris Thomas said...

Why are you holding off having a good weep? It sounds a bit like you are bottling up emotions, and if you do that you'll just wind yourself up about it, and get ever more anxious which is not good. If you're feeling emotional, let it out. You're not failing as a human being if you need to release that pent up frustration!

Have a good cry. But don't wallow in self pity for too long - that will get you precisely nowhere. Use it as a release. Let your emotions out for as long as you need to, then regroup, wipe the tears away, relax, and forget about it. You might then be able to look at whatever triggered the tears a bit more rationally, once you've cried it out and dealt with it emotionally.

I purposely watched the movie Love Actually the other day, just so I could have a good blub. For the record I managed five good sobs. I felt better for it afterwards.

I find it helpful to express myself in this way, and draw strength from it, almost as if my emotional shield batteries are getting a recharge. I can cope with the day to day grind a lot easier, not being constantly weighed down with emotional baggage.