Tuesday 14 July 2009


I sometimes feel that Death slipped up on the paperwork and I got missed a few years ago. Things were never quite the same for me after I had the fit that caused the car accident. It often seems to me that I was supposed to have died that day (bizarrely I just typed 'die' instead of 'day'). I'm so lethargic most of the time. It's so hard to summon up enthusiasm for anything. Maybe I'm just marking time until Death catches his mistake and comes to make amends.

Saturday 11 July 2009


I guess the title says it all. Providing all goes well, around mid February next year, I will be a father for the first time. I'll be 46 years old, an age where most of the people I went to school with are becoming grandparents. Ah well, just when you think life is over, another adventure comes along...