Thursday, 17 July 2008

I'm determined not to take a sleeping tab tonight. Despite the fact I can't sleep. I'm trying to keep them as a last resort. Only want to use them if I know I'm going to be a complete mess, then I can flake out instead of doing something stupid. Feeling a bit upset at the moment but nowhere near enough to frighten me, just enough to piss me off and stop me sleeping.

Just saw the time that Dave posted a comment on my last entry. Realised he still must be awake and nearly rang him. But I can't keep dragging everyone down with me. Just cos I'm having a shit night there's no use in spreading the misery.

On the plus side it means if any of you are ever having trouble sleeping feel free to give me a call. If I take a sleeping tab I'll have my phone off otherwise I'm already awake and miserable and the worst you can do is to make the night a little more bearable for me. It would help me to feel useful to someone too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes I was awake at that hour... doing more scribbling I'm afraid. Guess I'm lucky I don't get insomnia as bad as you do... But I do get the occasional sleepless night. Strangely enough I don't feel terribly chatty then, but maybe its time that changed...