Monday, 9 March 2009


For the sake of my family I've been pretending that my depression has more or less passed. I can only pull this off because it's what they want to believe. The problem now is that they're beginning to put me under pressure to get back to work. I absolutely cannot deal with this. I feel badly enough about not bringing any money in and this added family pressure just makes me crumble. I am nowhere near capable of dealing with the kind of stress that goes with a job.

While I don't expect anyone that's never experienced depression to be able to understand it, I do wish I could get a little more patience from people. I'll be back at work when I know I can cope and not before. I wish I could understand why certain people won't accept that for an answer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You just need to ignore the family and their questions for a bit. Just do what's right to protect yourself. Its okay to withdraw people's permission to stress you out.

You are right, people demand certainties... even though this illness has very little in the way of such things. As for going back to work, when it happens, it happens, but there's no use in hurrying things... You'll be ready in your own time.